
Orphans in Russia face many difficulties and seemingly insurmountable challenges.  It is our desire to visit these orphans right where they live, bringing them hope and demonstrating God’s love to them.  We partner with local Believers in visiting many orphan children across Russia, showing God’s love through stories, games, and songs.

Conditions in some Russian orphanages have improved over the years, but the children’s greatest need remains the love and attention of a friend, and the true Hope that is found in Jesus Christ.  Statistics about Russian orphans (who “graduate” from their orphanages between the ages of 16-18) are still bleak, but we believe God can change these statistics as more local Believers get involved.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the Fatherless and the Widows in their affliction…” (James 1:27)

We always try to bring needed supplies into the orphanages and shelters we visit, as they are always greatly appreciated.  However, with the changing times in Russia, it is becoming more challenging to visit many of these orphanages.  We greatly appreciate the regular support and prayers of our dear friends from around the world which enable us to continue visiting these wonderful children.

You may help us continue to visit the fatherless in Russia by giving your gift here!